Experience the ease, joy, and confidence

of growing your own herbs

Imagine stepping out your door and running your hands through lush, fragrant herbs. Being excited about the growing season, and confident and playful with the plants in your space. Imagine the peace of mind and joy of harvesting fresh herbs, a little at a time, just as you desire for a recipe or a simple tea. It doesn't require a lot of space or huge swaths of land. You can start small and grow, just like the plants do!

Perhaps you know it's possible, but you've tried before with "meh" results. Or maybe you don't know where to start. The more you learn about plants, the more complicated it feels, and the overwhelm takes over, so you don't start. Or you give up, feel bad that you can't keep plants alive or thriving, and think "Maybe next year." But every time you look at that spot, your energy drops. That feeling builds on itself, it gets heavier until you take action, until you take that first step.

When you join theĀ Grow Herbs with Ease course, you will experience a Guided Garden Journey with bite-sized steps, coaching, and personalized feedback along the way. By the end of four modules over four weeks, you will have the tools and support to grow herbs with ease, confidence and joy... even if you have limited space! You will learn to grow what you can manage in a way that works for you. It can be simple and fun.

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In this online course Grow Herbs with Ease you will learn the foundations to growing herbs with ease & confidence

The main content is delivered in 4 recorded modules, with live pop-up sessions added and recorded between June - November.

  • Pop-up live bonus sessions
  • Recordings
  • Q&A
  • Worksheets
  • Resources


How to identify the best location, the ideal timing, what materials and which herbs will thrive in your space.

The main difference between Perennial, Annual, and Biennial herbs - so you can choose herbs that make sense for your life.

Culinary herbs, medicinal herbs, nourishing herbs...maybe you know what you want, and maybe there are a few you might try.

Should you grow from seed or from a start (a baby plant)? In this course we will focus on growing from starts but will review some easy herbs to grow from seed and some basics to keep in mind!

By the end of the first module you will have a clearer vision of what you want to create. Yay!


You will learn the basics of sunlight and plants (full sun, part sun, shade) and what is the difference between part sun and part shade???

What kind of soil should you use?

How to water, when?

Which plants should you grow?

All about containers: pots, elevated planters, raised beds, and which should you use, if any?

Make a list of materials and plants and a game plan to go and get them. And make a date with yourself to do it!


How to PLANT! How to prepare your container/planter/garden bed

How to plant your plant babies or seedlings

How to water and what to watch for


What to do the first few weeks, how to water, how to know when, how much?

How to deal with friends in the ecosystem (aka insects, animals, critters)

How to manage weather changes

How to observe  - what to look out for

HARVESTING! Using fresh herbs, drying, storing

(or simply enjoying the company of your new herbal friends)

*    *    *    *    *

All the basics you need and all of your questions answered!

PLUS: bonus sessions once a month throughout growing season, with demonstrations, deeper dives, herb profiles and more!

Pop up bonus sessions

Live Q&A

If you hop on the monthly live bonus pop-up sessions you can get your questions answered live! You will have access to the recording and be able to ask questions directly to me in the portal.

Q&A via the portal

For each recorded lesson and module (and monthly live pop-ups), you can ask your questions and receive answers via the portal.


Lifetime Access & Bonus Sessions

Access recordings, resources added over time - including bonus sessions throughout the season.

What happens when I sign up?

When you sign up, you get ALL of the course content: four main modules of content. Listen back any time and ask questions in the portal!

PLUS:Ā  Bonus pop-up live sessions each month! You will also have access to recordings of the bonus sessions.

I want in!

From frustration and overwhelm to ease and confidence each season.

Like my client Katieā€¦..

Katie had always wanted a garden and plants but didnā€™t know where to start.

She wanted to understand the plants, and know that she would be able to take care of what she planted.

She used to get so frustrated when a plant died or something happened to a plant

She would walk away from it and feel like she failed


After working together, she went from not knowing where to start, frustration, overwhelm, unsure she would be able to maintain what she planted...


excitement about each new growing season

confidence in practices that lead to abundant growth

deep connection to the plants in her space

Grow Herbs with Ease was created with intention to teach you the same principles and to guide you along the way so you can feel that same confidence and connection.

Join us!

Don't let another season go by wishing that you started! Take that first step and you will be guided along the way, and have input into the bonus content throughout the season, with pop-up live sessions on topics you request!

Sign up here!